


( ゚⊿゚)<えーこのたび外務大臣を留年…いや、留任か、留任しました麻生太郎です。



He was recently spotted at an airport flipping through a comic book popular with teenage girls. Asked how he liked it, he quipped, "It's got a nice plot."


ちょwwwwwwwwwwwwwローゼンwwww→ id:masachaboze:20060602:p1


Japan's FM Aso a conservative straight-shooter - Yahoo! News

TOKYO (AFP) - Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso, a former Olympic marksman, is just as much a straight-shooter in politics, who was repeatedly raised controversy with his blunt conservative views.

東京(AFP) - 日本の外務大臣麻生太郎(かつてのオリンピック射撃選手)は just as much a straight-shooter in politics, who was repeatedly raised controversy with his blunt conservative views. (うまいこと訳せない。「〜はヤクザビズ(無愛想で古風な外見:blunt conservative views)で度々話題になるまじめな政治家である」みたいな感じ?)

Once a diamond trader in Africa, the 66-year-old has an immediately recognizable husky voice and a sarcastic grin. But despite a rough-and-tumble image, Aso comes from one of Japan's most elite backgrounds.


Aso unsuccessfully challenged new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for the top job but agreed with him on most issues. Abe kept him on Tuesday as foreign minister, a position Aso first took in October 2005.


Aso has in the past shocked neighboring countries -- and liberals at home -- by defending revisionists who justify Japan's aggression in Asia and hailing Japan's ethnic homogeneity.

麻生はアジアへの侵略を正当化し日本の単一民族論を歓迎する(hailing Japan's ethnic homogeneity (嘘くせぇ訳:-P))歴史修正主義者を擁護したことで、近隣諸国--と日本のリベラル派--にショックを与えました。

But aiming for the premiership and facing gruelling foreign criticism, Aso has gradually toned down his remarks and apologized for Japan's wartime behavior.

しかし総裁選に際して、そして外国からの厳しい非難を受け意見を軟化させると共に日本の戦時中の行為について謝罪しました。 <*1

A businessman, Aso has put pragmatism over ideology and has held cordial meetings with his counterparts from China and South Korea.

ビジネスマンとしての麻生はイデオロギーの上に現実主義をおく事で中国や韓国の外相(his counterparts)と会談を行いました。

He has also showed the public a softer side to his personality, seizing opportunities to boast of his knowledge of Japanese youth culture.

(うまいこと訳せない 「サブカルチャーへの理解などソフトな一面が知られる事で人気を博している」あたり?)

He was recently spotted at an airport flipping through a comic book popular with teenage girls. Asked how he liked it, he quipped, "It's got a nice plot."


Aso, who also unsuccessfully challenged Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, is related by marriage to the imperial family.


Aso's father ran a major cement company on the southern island of Kyushu, and the foreign minister has been dogged by allegations that the firm used Korean slave laborers during Japan's colonial rule of the Korean peninsula.


Aso's grandfather was Shigeru Yoshida, Japan's post-World War II prime minister, who worked closely with the US occupying forces. He is married to the daughter of another former premier, Zenko Suzuki.

麻生の祖父は戦後の占領軍と密接な関係にあった吉田茂 元総理で、麻生の妻は鈴木善行 元総理の娘です。

Aso's sister is married to the emperor's cousin Prince Tomohito, an outspoken opponent of letting a woman sit on the throne -- an idea also rejected by Aso.


Despite his background, Aso showed an adventurous spirit as a youth. He went to study at Stanford University in California until his parents pulled him out, worried he was losing his Japanese ways.


When he was 30, he moved to Sierra Leone for two years, trading diamonds for his father's company.


He returned to Japan in time to train for the 1976 Montreal Olympics, where he was a clay pigeon shooter. He was elected to parliament three years later.





*3:麻生太郎の父、麻生太賀吉が経営していたのは石炭の採掘会社 麻生炭鉱と麻生財閥。セメント会社へ転換したのは太郎が社長を勤めていた期間



